Our Story

100% Aussie was created in April 2020 during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
During this crisis, it became very clear that many people around Australia were wanting to support Australian Companies and Australian Products more than ever before!

Unfortunately, it is not that easy to identify those companies and products that are truly 100% Australian.

Many companies that are registered in Australia are in fact, owned by international shareholders or have parent companies that are foreign-owned. Similarly, products that are promoted as Australian made, may very well be made with international materials/ingredients.

Our aim is to try and promote those companies that are true 100% Australian, allowing you to make a better-informed choice.

Hopefully, you will find many great, true 100% Aussie Companies and 100% Aussie products that you can trust and enjoy.

Thank you for checking in here and, thank you for supporting Australian Companies, Australian Businesses, Australian Employees and the Australian Economy.

Together, we can make a difference and make Australia stronger.

By Supporting Australian Companies You Are Supporting
The Australian Economy, Australian Employment, and Our Future.

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