Foreign Owned Companies

by | May 23, 2020 | Aussie Blog | 0 comments

Should we stop buying goods from foreign-owned companies?

I can already hear most of you yelling YES! And I am right with you but, I also have to say NO, not yet anyhow.

Now I can hear you yelling WTF?, So before you reach for the rope to string me up, let me explain.

Coronavirus and the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020, has stirred emotions in all of us and rightly so.

It’s isolated every single one of us, it’s killed hundreds of thousands, it’s put millions in the unemployment lines and it’s destroyed economies around the world.

It’s also shown us how weak we are and how dependant we are on other countries. And because of this, it’s also prompted all of us to be more patriotic.

Now, probably more than ever, we want to support Australia and stop sending our hard-earned dollars to foreign companies and foreign countries.

But we need to be careful about how we approach this. We could inadvertently cause more harm to our own country, economy and fellow Aussies than we ever thought possible.

If we simply cut off the foreign-owned companies, we also cut off vital funds that keep many Australian farmers going and funds that at present, employ hundreds of thousands of our fellow Aussies across our nation.

Even though the profits from these companies will rarely if ever, stay in Australia, we need to continue to support them until such time that we have options to make those companies Australian owned again.

When making your purchases, I encourage you to buy Aussie first but also consider the “Australian Made” products as you are still supporting fellow Aussies.
Our visions, our dreams, of Australian owned and Australian made are very achievable I believe. But it will take time. Patience and persistence will see Australia become a strong, self-sufficient country again.

We Are Supporting Australian Companies That Ultimately,
Support The Australian Economy, Australian Employment, and Our Future.


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